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The Royal Lyran Project








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A Divinely Inspired Project to Preserve Ancient Sacred Wisdom & Bring Awareness of Our Cosmic Origins to Help Anchor the New Earth.  

This Project was birthed in me in July of 2018, through some of the most incredible Multi~Dimensional experiences.  The threads that have drawn this project together, stretch back many years and to many experiences. Only now do I see the Bigger Picture, and it is beyond incredible!


Since that time I have sent out the Clarion Call to other Lyrans and StarSeeds, trusting that Source will bring us together in Perfect Time to bring our gifts and be in Sacred Service to all Life. The scope of the Project extends so far beyond what I originally thought would be my Mission.  The expansion has been phenomenal and continues to be awe inspiring to me and others who are a part of it.


I am sharing on this platform to once again extend that invitation to join with me/us!  I have always been guided to retain the integrity of the Project and thus it will be in a closed and private Vessel.  If you feel a resonance, an ignition when you contemplate the Code which landed as an Activation Key, I gratefully invite you to send me an email to and I will share a more detailed Storybook as well as a questionnaire for you to complete and return to me.  


Thank you for stepping up to the plate, thank you for all that you will bring to this Collective project. My deepest, heartfelt thanks and love to you. 


What a journey we are on!! Contact me for any further information and opportunities for collaboration 



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