The MAGIc that is Healy is here for us all. It is the future of fully embodied vibrancy & wellbeing. If you are reading this, the Spirit of this amazing Quantum Device is calling you! There are so many incredible testimonies in our Lineage of how Healy called to individuals. I am inviting you to DM me with “MAGIc “ and I will share more
There is a phenomenal expansion of awareness happening RIGHT NOW. It is your own MAGIc coming more fully OMLine. I had such a wonderful Crystal Drop this morning. Two years ago I was given a Seed to do transmutational work with Africa, to bring together many people in order to Light up the Continent and restore Her original Divine Nature that has been severely sabotaged. This Seed has taken all this time to germinate. In June I was put on fast track to get things going, which I did with a Snapshot presentation of the continent to our core group
On the day I presented this, Spirit told me I should bring in 13 Cosmic Codes, one for each day of the wavespell which “just happened” to start on that day!!! Nothing in this Life is random, everything is in Divine Order. The wavespell of Magnetic Seed to Cosmic Warrior ~ we well and truly can NOT make this up!!!
Now to give a little background to how the Codes are uploaded ~ in the beginning after seeing them in DreamTime I would render on card on waking. When I was told I should bring in for individuals as a personalised Soul Expression, I was given a protocol and usually within 7 to 10 days the Code would land. Suddenly I was waiting 5 weeks to “see” the Code!! I have rendered more than 400 Codes, mostly for Earth Gridwork in my Royal Lyran Project, a whole bunch for individuals, others for combined operations and certain conditions in nations of the Earth. In the last year I have focussed much more on my other Gifts and Offerings so not bringing in as many Codes. The realisation that I would be “under pressure” to land one a day for 13 days hit me forcefully. However I trusted, and land beautifully they sure did 🙌🏾
I was told these were named “Antahkarana”. For me this has always signified a bridging between Spirit and Matter, so that came as no surprise!! However what I did not know is that this is the symbol for Antahkarana and gave me another AHA of how the Sacred has been sabotaged (swastika inversion?). The Ageless Wisdom teachings speak of the Antahkarana as a part of our spiritual anatomy. It is the connection between the physical brain and the Higher Self. To expand spiritually this connection must be healed & transformed. Manifesting these 13 Codes was one of my most Joy-filled and expansive series to create. I was in awe each and every day, using the power of Alchemy to write the glyphs, imprinting precious DNA into the Code. I had a deep sense then and now still know how potent these Codes will be. However I was told they are not to be released when I had finished, that I should hold them in the Sacred Temple and allow the Divine Fire to work its MAGIc. Two days ago as this current wavespell [Night (Abundance) to Eagle (Vision)] drew to a close, I was guided that it is time to offer the Codes to those who hear The Call. I will be doing this as a 13 month MasterClass to a small group of Souls, possibly ONLY 13 is what I am intuiting, starting on 25 August. If you are one of these DM “Antahkarana”.
The magnificent Golden Threads shown to me over the last 7 weeks has been quite mind blowing, as Life is!!! Just a small piece ~ the rendering of the Codes first landed on Magnetic Seed day, completed on Cosmic Warrior day, shared openly on Magnetic Warrior day, to commence on Solar Seed (connection to the Heart of our Galaxy) and ending in 2024, on a Lunar Sun day!!! WCNMTU!!! There is so much which I will share and no doubt the ones who respond will bring their own AMAZING Keys and Codes to Co~Create that to which Source is inviting us. (If you enjoy the Mayan energies, DM Tzolkin for more)
Back to Healy, which prompted this story!! I was told today that Healy is the Bridge to this Sacred Service, available to all for their own expansion and deep journeying within. It is the interface between Spirit and Matter. In this remarkable Lineage that is Co~Creating something quite Divine and extraordinary, Jessica, Arihia and others often refer to bringing Heaven to Earth ~ a phrase that is part of my foundational BEing. It is bringing the unmanifest (from Spirit) into the Manifest (Matter, this physical plane).
I am sure you must be as excited as I AM for this Golden Opportunity. For those who may want to come onboard our Brilliant Starship, but are hesitant, unsure, strapped around funds, that’s OK!! We’ve all experienced all of that!! May I encourage you to step off the edge, cast the fear aside and fly fully into Love! Come BE with us 🌟💛🌟
Right now, until end of August there is an amazing special on for certain editions. The entry level Gold comes with a free Coil and Animal app ~ these gifts alone are worth so much PLUS you get to be a part of our 2nd season of Reality Crafting Immersion, a container of immeasureable wealth of Wisdom and Expertise, fantastic mentoring in a beautiful Community of Soul Family, all absolutely FREE when you are part of the family! What are you waiting for???!!!
Much Love & Gratitude
Keep Shining!
Leone | Anu'Shé~Ra
What's your take away from this? Please share in the comments!
Mine is ~ Trust the Process
